Stage 2: Logroño to Burgos (114.3km)

22 juillet 2024 22:18

First of all, thank you once again to those who have sponsored and supported me recently. It's a real encouragement to see this fundraiser and the work that Utopia 56 reach a wider audience. 

Since Logroño, we have entered much more open agricultural land across the Rioja and Castille y Léon, with first vineyards and then wheat in thick abundance. Seeing as I do not know any better, it seems like we are crossing the 'bread basket' of Spain. This has been punctuated by crossing the Oca Hills, which reach to around 1000m above sea level and include some charming forests. The end point of this stage, Burgos, is a resplendent city with one of the most exquisite cathedrals I have seen. 

Many more fellow pilgrims have been asking about the QR code that I carry on my back and listening to the work that Utopia 56 undertakes. I have been delighted by the overwhelmingly positive response to the approach of the charity to the question of refugees and exiled peoples.

More detailed updates day-on-day can be found on my Strava (username: Isaac Leaver.) For now, I put a few photos here from the second segment. A toute !